About Us

What is Goyana?

Goyana is an ancient word found in ancient Egyptian script on the Emerald tablets. It is 1 of the 7 other frequencies talked about in the tablets. Goyana itself produces a high frequency and vibration that targets your heart, and when intentionally chanted aloud, raises your heart's energy and vibration to elevate in all aspects.



The brand "Goyana" is about encouraging and helping people face and embrace their inner demons which can entail of fears, insecurities, pain, trauma, etc. When you stop running and face them, you improve your way of living by changing habits you did that you didn't realize were connected to those negative aspects in your life. Goyana is meant to elevate individuals and change the world for the better as well as give starting steps to doing so.


How It Started

My name is Mitchell H. As CEO of Goyana I myself have faced a lot of obstacles in my life from childhood to the present and running away from those painful memories and thoughts about myself has led me to hurt the people I care most about in my life. I finally decided to do some self-introspection which allowed me to acknowledge a lot of things I've been trying to ignore. It allowed me to connect certain feelings with bad habits and making the change to get out of a cycle of self-destruction and into the cycle of self-reinvention. There a lot of practices that help with self - reinvention but everyone is different, find what resonates most with you. To keep in mind on your journey, your outer world reflects your inner world and when your inner world is peace, your outer world will be peace. I'm on my journey with this still, it never stops but, showing up better day-by-day will have you reach heights you could not have imagined, just from showing up for yourself.